Registration at
This is an open call to invite doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to apply for the
international Spring School “Science, Religion and Health”, that will take place in the
city of Barcelona from 15 to 17 May 2024.
The primary focus of the spring school is to provide a strong theoretical and
methodological basis for early-career researchers doing social scientific research on
the entanglements and boundaries between science religion and health. The Spring
School is organized around a combination of public lectures by recognized scholars in this field and paper sessions where participants will present their ongoing research in small groups to get feedback. The program will also include one-to-one encounters between early-career scholars and senior scholars.
We welcome applicants working on these themes from a variety of disciplines
including sociology, anthropology, history, religious studies, philosophy and political
science. We ask applicants to submit an abstract and a CV. The selection committee
will prioritise research that has an empirical dimension and is carried out from the
perspective of social sciences or humanities. Projects may address, but are not limited to the following dimensions:
- The mobilization of science and religious/spiritual knowledges in understandings of life, illness, and death.Debates, controversies, and dynamics around biomedical technologies (assisted reproductive technologies, vaccinations, chemotherapy, genetic therapy, hormone therapy).
- Religious, ethnic, and sexual diversity in the healthcare system.
- Religious diversity & chaplaincy in healthcare settings
- The crystallization of science and religious debates in the public sphere.
Number of participants: This Spring School will convene a multidisciplinary and
international group of 10 early research career scholars.
Funding: Participation and stay for young scholars and researchers are funded by the organisation and participants should only pay for their own travel expenses to
Barcelona. In some circumstances, the organisation can also provide funding for travel expenses.
Output: The spring school will be the starting point of a (voluntary) Tutoring Program in which senior and early-career scholars will work together (online) in monthly meetings for the duration of 5 months towards the preparation of a research paper.
Applicants are asked to write a one-page motivation letter describing his/her
academic trajectory, research interests, and explaining how this spring school would
benefit their work.
We especially welcome applications from socially underprivileged groups.
Eligibility: students registered for a PhD in the social and human sciences and early
postdoctoral researchers (up to 3 years after completing PhD).
Organisation: the Spring School is organised by the International Research Network on Science, Religion & Health, the research group ISOR (Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona). The Network is funded by the International Research Network for the
Study and Science and Belief in Society (INSBS).
Guidelines for the application
- Proof of registration in a PhD programme or postdoctoral position
- CV summary (max. 3-pages, PDF format)
- Your Full Name
- Academic affiliation (department, university)
- Country (where registered for PhD)
- Year of study (for PhD)
- Email address
- Phone number
- Name, institutional affiliation, and email address of your primary
- supervisor
- Key publications, awards, participation in research projects
- Abstracts should contain:
- Title of paper
- Keywords (up to 4)
- The research questions
- Theoretical framework
- Methodology
- Preliminary findings or conclusions
- The novel contribution and significance of your research
- Maximum of 800 words (excl. title)
If you are selected you will be required to submit a manuscript of a working paper
(about 3,000 words, including references) by May 2nd. Papers will be circulated in
advance and allocated to peer discussants.
You can submit your application via this online submission form:
The application must be submitted no later than 10th March 2024.
For further information about the summer school and application procedure, please