International Conference RECONSTRUCTING PAST MONASTIC LIFE. Inferences from archaeological, bioanthropological and documentary perspectives
Barcelona, 25 and 26 January 2024
MonBones research team together with the Department of History and Archaeology – University of Barcelona, the Department of Basic Medical Sciences – University Rovira i Virgili and the Reial Monestir Santa Maria de Pedralbes are organizing the International Conference:
Topics and Themes
The conference will cover all aspects related to monastic life in the past aiming to promote the dissemination and exchange of knowledge among researchers interested in monasticism. The intention is to bring together specialists from different disciplines who will contribute new developments on this topic from different fields of study, such as zooarchaeology, bioanthropology, taphonomy, archaeobotany, archaeology, history, documentary disciplines, archives, art history, cultural heritage, etc.
New trends and findings in research about diet, health, economy, society, lifestyle, gender, architecture, monuments and landscapes in monastic contexts from the past will be particularly welcomed.
Topics and fields of study
- Bioarcheological studies
- History of Monasticism
- Biomolecular methods in archaeology
- Biochemical and physical methods in archaeology
- Zooarchaeological studies
- Archaeobotany
- Paleopathology
- Reconstruction of dietary patterns
- Bioanthropology
- Monastic buildings
General Information
- Registration and submission of papers will be possible from 1 June 2023 onwards.
- The deadline for submission of proposals for papers and posters is 15 September 2023.
- The deadline for registration is 30 November.
- Peer review of abstracts submitted will determine acceptance and the results of the review will be communicated by 15 October 2023.
- To register, please complete the online registration form.
Fees and Payment Methods
The registration fee may be paid through this link: register here
- Regular fee 100 Euro
- Student fee 60 Euro
The fee includes admission to the sessions, conference documentation, guided tour to Santa Maria de Pedralbes Monastery, coffee breaks and the two lunches.
- All speakers are requested to observe a 15-minute limit for their papers.
- All speakers and presenters of posters must be registered for the congress
Scientific Committee
The members of the scientific committee are:
- Philip Banks, University of Barcelona (Spain)
- Megan Brickley, McMaster University (Canada)
- Anna Castellano, Museu Monestir de Pedrlabes (Spain)
- Simon Davis, Laboratório de Arqueociências, DGPC (Portugal)
- Carlos Fernández, University of León (Spain)
- Benjamin Fuller, Laboratory GET Toulouse (France)
- María del Mar Graña Cid, University Pontificia Comillas (Spain)
- Idoia Grau, University of Basel (Switzerland)
- Andrew Jotischky, Royal Holloway University of London (UK)
- Lluís Lloveras, University of Barcelona (Spain)
- Jordi Nadal, University of Barcelona (Spain)
- Lluís Palahí, University of Girona (Spain)
- Aniol Pujol, University Rovira i Virgili (Spain)
- Carme Rissech, University Rovira i Virgili (Spain)
- Jordina Sales, University of Barcelona (Spain)
- Marta San Millán, University of Girona (Spain)
- Felipe Serrano, University of Jaén (Spain)
- Maria Soler, University of Barcelona (Spain)
- Karen Stöber, University of Lleida (Spain)
Organising Committee
The conference is organised by researchers of the project MonBones. Members of the Organising Committee are:
- Lluís Lloveras, University of Barcelona
- Carme Rissech, University Rovira i Virgili
- Jordi Nadal, University of Barcelona
- Anna Castellano, Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Pedralbes
- Anthony Cevallos, University Rovira i Virgili
- Andreu Falcó, University of Barcelona
- Mireia Gracía, University of Barcelona
- Marta Merino, University Rovira i Virgili
- Carme Querol, University of Barcelona
- Andrea Sanz, University of Barcelona
- José Antonio Trujillo, University of Barcelona
Preliminary Programme
Thursday 25 January 2024
PLACE: Facultat de Geografia i Història, Room Jane Addams
8:30 – 9:30 Arrival and registration
9:30-10:00 Plenary opening session
10:00-11:00 Invited lecture: Dr Megan Brickley, Professor of Anthropology, McMaster University (Canada).
Title: Metabolic Diseases: Providing a lens on past lifeways
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
Sesion 1: 11:30-13:20 Podium presentations
13:20-15:00 LUNCH
Session 2: 15:00-16:40 Podium presentations
16:40-17:00 Coffee break
Session of Posters:17:00-18:00 Poster presentations
Friday 26 January 2024
PLACE: Monastery of Santa Maria de Pedralbes
Session 3: 9:30 –10:50 Podium presentations
10:50-11:20 Coffee break
11:20 -12:20 Invited lecture: Dr Karen Stöber, Professora Agregada, Universitat de Lleida.
Title: Vinum oleum cera spens et mel. What documents can reveal about the medieval monastic diet
12:20-13:30 Guided tour of the Monastery of Pedralbes
13:30-15:00 LUNCH
Session 4: 15:00-16:15 Podium presentations
16:15- 16:45 Coffee break
Session 5: 16:45-18:00 Podium presentations
18:00-18:30 Plenary closing session
Practical information
Conference Venues
The congress will be held in Barcelona, at the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona (25th January) and at the Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Pedralbes (26th January).