Vés al contingut
Data de l'esdeveniment
Nom del lloc
Església de Sant Felip Neri
Adreça (carrer i número)
Plaça de Sant Felip Neri, 2
Nom de l'entitat organitzadora
Orquestra Barroca Catalana
Diòcesi on es realitza l'esdeveniment

El "Messiah" de Händel a Sant Felip Neri

VI Temporada de Música Antiga (concert extraordinari)

Orquestra Barroca Catalana

Cor Madrigal

Marta Mathéu, soprano

Roger Padullés, tenor

Pau Bordas, baix

Pere Lluís Biosca, direcció

Seguint la normativa dictada per la Covid19, es farà una versió reduïda de 80 minuts, sense pausa.

Per la mateixa raó, hi haurà un solista menys.

Georg Friedric Händel (1685-1759)


Cor Madrigal · Orquestra Barroca Catalana

Marta Matheu, soprano

Roger Padullés, tenor

Pau Bordas, baix

Pere Lluís Biosca, direcció

Primera part

Simfonia (ouverture) Grave – Allegro moderato

Recitatiu accompagnato: Confort ye my people (tenor)

Air: Ev'ry valley shall be exalted (tenor)

Chorus: And the glory of the Lord

Recitatiu: Thus said the Lord (baix)

Chorus: And he shall purify

Chorus: For unto us a child is born

Pifa (Pastoral)

Recitatiu: There were sheperds abiding in the field (soprano)

Recitatiu accompagnato: And, lo, the angel of the Lord com upon them (soprano)

Recitatiu: And the angel said unto them (soprano)

Recitatiu accompagnato: And suddenly there was with the angel (soprano)

Chorus: Glory to God

Air: Rejoice gratly, Odaughter of Zion (soprano)

Chorus: His yoke is easy

Segona part

Chorus: Surely he hath born our griefs

Chorus: And with his stripes weare healed

Chorus: All we like sheep have gone astray

Recitatiu accompagnato: He was cut off out of the land of the living (tenor)

Air: But thou didst not leave his soul in hell (tenor)

Chorus: The Lord gave the word

Air: How beautiful are the feet (soprano)

Air: Why do the nations so furiously rage together? (baix)

Chorus: Let us breack their bonds asunder

Recitatiu: He that dwelleth in heaven (tenor)

Air: Thou shalt break them (tenor)

Chorus: Hallelujah

Tercera part

Chorus: Since by man came death

Recitatiu Accompagnato: Behold, I tell you a mystery (baix)

Air: The trumpet shall sound (baix)

Air: If God be for us (soprano)

Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain - Amen